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Omega-9 qualifies as a �breakthrough� says Dow


Chemicals company Dow has announced that its Omega-9 Oils have qualified as the company’s first "Breakthrough to World Challenges".

As part of its 2015 Goals, Dow committed to achieving at least three breakthroughs that will significantly help solve world challenges in the areas of energy and climate change, water, food, housing and health. Omega-9 is the first of these to be achieved.

According to the company, the use of Omega-9 Oils has eliminated more than one billion pounds of trans- and saturated fat from the North American diet. Trans- and saturated fat in a diet have been shown to increase the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

In order to be designated as a "Breakthrough to World Challenges", Dow said that Omega-9 Oils passed a rigorous, transparent evaluation by Dow scientists and external stakeholders.

Omega-9 Oils, like other candidates in Dow’s R&D pipeline, were evaluated for positive impact on millions of human lives, as well as minimal environmental impact from development through manufacturing, distribution, use and end‐life.

Dow said that Omega-9 Oils have zero trans fat and the lowest amount of saturated fat among commonly used cooking oils, including corn, cottonseed, palm, peanut and soybean. Derived from canola and sunflower seeds, Omega-9 Oils are used by the food processing and food service industries.

“Many processed foods still contain unhealthy levels of trans fats and high levels of saturated fat,” said Neil Hawkins, vice president of Sustainability and EH&S for Dow. “Omega-9 Oils are a critical step in addressing world health problems related to nutrition and lifestyle.”

Canola production uses equal or less energy and inputs than other oil crops, according to Dow, and can promote productive soils and sustainable production practices when grown in a proper crop rotation with sound integrated pest management strategies.




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